CCCS Resources for Success
This course will review the resources for subgrantees of the Connecticut Commission on Community Service (Commission or CCCS), to help you execute your awarded AmeriCorps program in compliance and with success.
Prohibited and Unallowable Activities
This course explains what AmeriCorps considers a prohibited activity, the consequences that follow if an individual or program engages in a prohibited activity as well as how to remember what activities are prohibited.
AmeriCorps Impact and Branding
This course will review AmeriCorps branding requirements and best practices to ensure all AmeriCorps*Connecticut programs are positioned to demonstrate impact effectively.
Financial Reporting and Accessing Funding
This course will review CCCS financial reporting and funds access compliance elements to ensure that AmeriCorps*Connecticut programs are positioned to access their awarded funding and pursue their program impact goals.
Key Concepts of Financial Management
This course was designed to acquaint grantees of the responsibilities of managing a federal AmeriCorps grant, familiarize them with the basic requirements and provide tools on researching the specific requirements.
Member Training and Management
This course will review AmeriCorps member management requirements and best practices to ensure all AmeriCorps*Connecticut programs are positioned to engage and support members who successfully complete their service terms.